mfh Finsterbusch & Wanke OHG is a small young business run by Florian Finsterbusch and Wolfgang Wanke. Our senior was an active quadruplegic with ample experience since 1985, the year of his accident. He dies in the year 2003.

We have made it our business to develop and distribute new ideas and new products. Most of our products are acquired via outsourcing enabling us to focus our attention on new developments, specifically in the fields of

In addition to presenting our products here in the net we show reprints of interesting articles from all kinds of publications. This service presently is limited to German language publications but with your kind help we intend to change that. Besides the above we provide information about other topics of interest, e. g. clubs, events, books, travelling for the handicapped etc. This service, unfortunately, is also limited to the German scene. If you have suggestions to include other countries we would appreciate hearing from you, too.

ps: when generating our web pages we tried to minimize loading time since not all users have a fast access available. Multimedia (audio, video, high-resolution-pictures etc.) has therefore to stay on the waiting list for a while.